Presentation Hack

How to Communicate Clearly and Confidently

Why this course ...

Applying behavioural principles to your presentation content and delivery is key to effective communication.

To influence your audience, you need to understand their needs (no matter the size); get and hold their attention, be credible, connect emotionally (no matter the topic) and agree (or signpost) the next steps of the journey. This course will help you to improve your presentation performance; to communicate effectively, with purpose and confidence.

As part of the course, you are invited to demonstrate evidence of your ability to apply the principles by designing and developing your own presentation. You also have the options to deliver your presentation for feedback and connect online for one-to-one coaching support.

Bottom line, whichever option you prefer, on successful completion of the course, you will have evidenced the ability to design, structure and develop a presentation that enables you to achieve the clearly defined outcomes set.

Confidence builds when your presentation content is well structured, key points connected, you have established credibility, engaged and evoked appropriate emotions in your audience.

About Your Course Tutor

Stephanie O’Boyle is a professional development specialist, who helps people to improve personal effectiveness, communications and influence. 

A career background in enterprise, consultancy and education supports a results oriented, solution focused and evidence based approach to effective communications.

"I have a mix of consultancy and management experience, with twenty years teaching at the University of Galway. That background brings a wealth of communications knowledge and wisdom; which I am happy to share ... so you can avoid making the many mistakes I've made along the way!"

Stephanie O’Boyle: MBA, Post-graduates in Marketing and Management Practice, a Bachelors Degree in Mathematics, Sociological and Political Studies. A Fellow member of the Institute of Training and Development.


Whether you’re curious about course features, want information for company access and multiple users, a free trial, or more information before you commit, we’re here to answer any questions.

Course Options

Self Paced

Learn at your own pace. Everything you need to successfully complete the course is online. Download templates and resources for future use.

Self Paced + Feedback

Learn at your own pace. Everything you need to successfully complete the course is online.Download templates and resources for future use.

Submit your presentation for critique and feedback.

Self Paced + Feedback + Personal Coaching Session

Learn at your own pace. Everything you need to successfully complete the course is online. Download templates and resources for future use.

Submit your presentation for critique and feedback.

1-to-1 coaching support to refine.